Thanks for the call. We were successful in energizing the M1M this afternoon – with a couple of learning experiences gained along the way. The plan is to back completely out of generation tonight and load the system. (Fingers crossed.)
I want to express my sincere appreciation for the terrific work performed on our behalf by you, Gary and your crews. It was great to have the opportunity to work one on one with you again on site – just like the ‘old days’.
You and your team brought the job in ahead of schedule, under budget and most importantly without incident. What more can I ask?
On behalf of Bill, Darrell, myself and the electrical group, please express our appreciation to your staff.
Howard Boland - July 2015 Shutdown – Goldcorp Musselwhite Mine
I would like to take this opportunity on behalf of myself and Paul Dallaire Welding Ltd. to thank you and your staff for the experience and accepting me as part of your team. This job has been one of the best experiences I've had in thirty years in the trades.
Andre Dallaire - Paul Dallaire Welding Ltd
I would like to thank you and your crew for a great job on getting power to the TIA and site power for fans and ramp. As usual it was done safely and with excellent workmanship.
Shawn DeForge - Maintenance Superintendent
November 23rd 2011 - Northgate Minerals Corporation
I would like to thank everyone for their commitment and dedication in completing this vital component of our project. We were faced with many challenges from technical to land tenure to name changes causing the construction to be constantly to be "just in time". I look forward to achieving the next milestone for achieving overall site power distribution. Thank you again for your safe commitment to the project.
Andrew Cormier P.Eng. - Project Manager, Northgate Minerals Corporation
Thanks for all your hard work and safe work Willy you and the crew.
Shawn DeForge - Maintenance Superintendent, Northgate Minerals Corporation
I would like to personally thank for your perseverance and commitment to this project. Give the boys in the trenches a BIG KOODOOS for all their safe work and also include yourself as their leader. A job well done.
Steve Cookson - Lead E/I Superintendent, Young-Davidson Project, AMEC
November 21st, 2011
Congratulations to the entire team at Young-Davidson for passing 1,000,000 hour milestone without a lost time incident. This is a tremendous achievement and one that the entire site and organization can be very proud of.
The one-million hour mark was passed late last week (November 18) and involved the efforts of all employees and construction contractors working at the Young-Davidson site.
The Young-Davidson project is in a very active construction phase. To achieve one-million hours (and counting) in this challenging environment is a very positive reflection of everyone's commitment to safety and safe work practices.
Please join me in congratulating the Young-Davidson team and wishing them continued success in the future.
Rene Marion - President & Chief Executive Office, AuRico Gold Inc.
"Congratulations" on your successful 40 Years of business, it has been a pleasure working with you and your team over the past couple of years and looking forward to future business relationships.
Keith Barr - Mine Manager, Golden Giant Mine
Congratulations. That is quite a milestone. Having worked with you for the last few years I can clearly understand the longevity of your company.
Best wishes for many more years.
Ron Jung - Newmont Canada
November 2010
The past year of construction work with your firm has proven to be very organized and hassle free with respect to coordination of the work, completion and especially safety.
The construction of the 3.2 Km 115 kV line from our main line to the Esker Substation was completed in a safe and professional manner, on schedule and on budget. It should also be noted that the suggestions made by your firm during the drawing review process and construction saved the Mine several thousands of dollars, thank you for these suggestions and observations.
Goldcorp wishes Wildon Wiring good luck with all of their future projects and hopes that you can instill your safety values and practices in any other contractor and companies you are involved with.
If there is any company which wishes a reference for any future project, please do not hesitate to have them contact us for a recommendation.
Kevin McCarthy - Project Coordinator, Musselwhite Mine
May 2010
Willy was traveling to Musselwhite Mine on Tuesday evening when he spotted a tree on fire on the power line. Him and another worker, Mitchell Clavet, worked to put the fire out. The fire was reported and assessed the next day.
Thanks to Wildon Wiring they prevented what could have been a huge potential forest fire. Wildon Wiring's crew today will remove the burnt tree as well as spray water all around area. There is provisions for Wildon to remove the identified trees that may pose danger of hitting the line as well as we will take the line down during the July shutdown to inspect and repair the conductors if damage is noted.
One thing to note we brushed this area during the winter months this year. If we didn't this could have been much worse.
Bryce Kelly - Electrical Reliability, Musselwhite Mine – Goldcorp Canada Ltd.
A big to thank Willy and Mitch for their efforts in preventing a more serious situation. Their quick thinking and hard work allowed for a potentially dangerous situation to be diffused quickly.
Markus Uchtenhagen - Safety and Training Superintendent, Musselwhite Mine

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July 26, 2007
I would like to thank all personnel on site for helping to contribute to the 2,000,000 Safe Work Hours that the Victor Project has now achieved and in "Raising The Bar in Safety Performance". This is an impressive milestone to reach and would not have been possible without the hard work and effort from all personnel working on the Victor Project.
Our challenge now is to maintain the high level of Safety Performance that the Victor Project has set for itself and I encourage all to continue to think of "Safety First" in all you do. The Victor Project is now 60% complete and I look forward to celebrating future milestones in Safety Performance with all personnel.
Brad Thompson - Construction Manager, Victor Project Mining & Metals

Wildon Received a Gem of a Safety Award
Wildon Wiring Limited, a member firm from Thunder Bay currently working on the effort portion of ZeroQuest, received a safety award for its efforts on the Victor Diamond Project. The Victor Diamond Project is located in the James Bay Lowlands of Northern Ontario, approximately 90km west of the coastal community of Attawapiskat.
Wildon Wiring Limited from Thunder Bay, Ontario has been involved with the Victor Project, for DeBeers Canada Inc., managed by Amec since July 2006. Wildon Wiring Limited, the staff and crew are honoured to be involved with Ontario's First Diamond Mine in the Northern Region.
Wildon Wiring Limited was responsible for the On-Site Distribution Power Lines which were approximately 15 km in length.
The crew of six men ranging from labourers, apprentices and Journeyman Power Linemen consisted of: William Clavet, Robert Seguin, David Lizotte, Gary Clavet, Mitchell Clavet and Geoffrey Miller.
In July 2007, the crew received Safety Awards for participating in over 2,000,000 employee hours injury free. Wildon was recognized for its Safety Track Record, Safe Work Practices and Safety and Environmental Concerns.