Hydro Line Construction and Maintenance

Wildon Wiring Limited has become a Leader in the Power Line Industry, while servicing Thunder Bay, Ontario and surrounding area for the past 40 years. We employ Power Linemen who receive their Training through IHSA in Toronto. We invest in our Tradespeople to provide Skilled, Trained Professionals to construct your Power Line. We follow all Regulations as set forth by Utility Specifications.
Willy Clavet, owner and president, has been building Power Lines for two decades. He takes pride in his work and builds with perfection. He receives his reward when he sees the satisfaction from his Customers. Willy has worked with many professionals over the years and his gained tremendous knowledge in his field. As the Owner of Wildon Wiring Limited, he faces the challenges that each business day brings and strives to achieve his objectives: "Customer Satisfaction!"

Our work is Inspected by the Electrical Safety Authority. We build to follow all Guidelines as outlined in the Occupational Health and Safety for Construction Projects Code Book and Safety is our #1 Concern.
We abide by all Standards as implemented through all Environmental, Forestry, Water, Mines, Mills and Fisheries Acts, as designed through the Ministries. Included as well are, the MTO, MNR, IHSA, WSIB and others as enforced. We follow all corporate training safety programs accordingly, based upon who we are working with to provide the safest working environment possible.
While working with Large Corporations, Training and Information Sessions are attended regularly and are mandatory before work commences. Safety Procedures are reviewed and project plans and terrain are examined. We hold regularly scheduled Tail Board Meetings with our employees to discuss related issues and Safety Topics.

We build your Power Line with all your Hydro needs in mind for today and in the future. We build your Power Line to accommodate the property area and to consider the traffic flow. We set up a Site Visit, free of charge, to meet with our Potential Customer to review their plans.
We advise our Potential Customers on Clearances, Rules, Standards and provide them with a cost estimate. We will show you the way to build cost-effectively, to save time and money.
Check out all your options before making a final decision and get several price quotations for your comparison. Understand what you are getting for your money before investing.
We look at your job through your eyes and wallet!